Angel Cake
Camden People's Theatre
Futureshock Festival
Nov / Dec 2012
Immersive, devised theatre with audience interaction, that blurred the boundaries of 'performance art' and 'storytelling'.
The cosy, intimate, oval shaped walls of the space acted as a light box, changing the atmosphere of the space along with the character's mood.
"Ele Slade's intimate set further immerses us...I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a truly 'experimental' evening at the theatre. As the lights dimmed and the show ended, it took me a few moments to remember I was in Camden People's Theatre" Reviewsgate.
"Ele Slade creates a charming intimate and personally evocative stage"
"the intimate space of ‘Sophie’s place’ creates a lovely, cosy atmosphere...Angel Cake is really something special, an experience to be shared between an intimate few."
the londonaisle.
"More theatre like this please." Remotegoat.
Set & costume design & construction: Ele Slade
Director: Amy Draper
Performer: Rhyannon Styles
Lx Design: Christopher Nairne
Producer: Kelly Golding
SM: Ali Graham
Photography: Ben Broomfield
Co- creator of original concept: Vivienne Rowden